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The Children's Book Publishing Class

Application Process

Unleash your creativity in our Children's Book Class—a dynamic 8-month course designed for writers. Dive into writing workshops, explore renowned authors' biographies, and join a supportive community while guaranteeing your own fully illustrated, bound children's book upon completion. Ready to take the first step toward your publishing journey? Here's how to join:

Step 1: Apply


Complete the application form provided. Ensure accuracy and completeness in all sections.

Applicants are kindly requested to designate the 'Children's Book Class' cohort on the application form. The tuition for this program amounts to $330 per month.






Step 2: Interview


Upon receipt of your application, you will be scheduled for an interview with one of our admissions representatives. This interview serves as an opportunity for us to better understand your aspirations and determine your suitability for the program.


Step 3: Acceptance


Expect to receive a formal letter of acceptance or denial within a few days following your interview. This communication will provide clarity regarding your admission status.



Step 4: Enroll


Once you've received your acceptance email, enroll in the class by setting up your automatic tuition payment. This step finalizes your enrollment process. You have until the first day of the class to enroll. 


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